A short film by Elle de Champagne
A short film by Elle de Champagne

Testimonials & Letters of Support

I grew up by the northern border of Israel, between 2-12 years of age. The Hezbollah would constantly launch missiles at us, at random times, just to kill civilians and create political pressure on Israel.

You could walk to school and may die any moment. We spent most of our time in an underground shelters, both at school and the communal one of the apartment building we lived in. Once, in the girl scout activity, we were headed North towards a ceremony place. I could see the missiles in the air, and a thought crossed my mind: what if these will kill my parents? Horrific for a 10 years old… In short: crazy shit.

I’m glad you’re making this movie.

~ O. Arava

This is a story that will touch the hearts of millions. Your standing up for what you believe in and what is right! This movie could teaching a lot of others to love. Exactly what this world needs right now.

~ L. Lusk

…the message this movie is generating is touching people everywhere.

~ G. Wilson

This film will change people from the inside out.

~ M. Daniel